What you will find inside the book
A Canadian Shame is a disturbing collection of information that forces every reader to meditate on the atrocities of government and institutions. Grimes's heritage and personal experience make him the perfect author for this book, but the superior documentation is what makes it as credible as it is fascinating. Although a light is being shined into a very dark corner of our society, one still walks away with a knowledge that truth and love will bring all of humanity together. An uncomfortable story can be a powerful catalyst for unity. Find out all about the Indian Act, Residential Schools, Indigenous child welfare, unmarked graves and more in the comprehensive, extremely well sourced, overview of the last 150 years of Canada and the Indian Act. Starlight tours, missing and murdered indigenous women, and the charge of genocide are all explored in an informative and concise way (under 200 pages). Filled with quotes, legislation, correspondence, historical information this book is a must have for anyone interested in the relationship between Canada and the Indigenous people for the bibliography alone. From the inception of the Indian Act to residential schools, from the potlach ban to the sixties scoop, right up to the present day. A Canadian Shame is filled with the highlights of atrocities that every Canadian should know, up until the apologies finally offered over the last decade. from the back of the book... In A Canadian Shame, Darren Grimes has collected and presented overwhelming evidence which shows beyond doubt that a monster bent on the complete destruction of the Indigenous peoples of Canada ( First Nations, Inuit, Metis, and all the other Aboriginal inhabitants of the land) has been devouring not only men and women but also children of those cultures, that this monster has been doing so for hundreds of years, that this destruction has been deliberate and systematic rather than accidental or unintended, and that lethal aspects of it continue right up to the present day.

What you will find inside the book
What is the cost of an education? Is education an additive process or a reductive one? How does one weigh the benefits of tradition against the threat of being at odds with the future? How does one refuse the offer of a better life for their children?What if the...

What you will find inside the book
CONSOLIDATED ACTS AND AMENDMENTS, 1868-1975Most of this legislation is no longer available on the Canadian Government websites...The Indian Act is a Canadian act of Parliament that concerns registered Indians, their bands, and the system of Indian reserves. First passed in 1876...

What you will find inside the book
Our Brothers-in-Arms in the Great War. BEING A Record of the Health Conditions of the Indians of Canada from 1904 to 1921 Chief Medical Officer of the Indian Department.
I. By Order in Council dated Jan. 22nd, 1904, the writer was appointed Medical Inspector to the Department of the Interior and of Indian Affairs and was entrusted with the health interests of the Indians of Canada. The Order in Council recites: " The undersigned has the honour to report that there is urgent necessity for the appointment of a medical inspector to represent the Department of the Interior and Department of Indian Affairs. The undersigned believes that the qualifications for the position above mentioned are possessed in an eminent degree by Mr. Peter Henderson Bryce, M. D., at present and for a number of years past Secretary for the Provincial Board of Health of Ontario, and who has had large experience in connection with the public health of the province." (Signed) CLIFFORD SlFTON, Minister of the Interior and Superintendent General of Indian Affairs.

About me
Darren Grimes is a “Registered Indian” that spent his formative years raised by his mother in Northern Ontario Canada, off-reserve. Darren spent his early adulthood working in the steel industry in Calgary, Alberta where he started the Grimerica Show Podcast. Today Darren is a podcast host, author, and entrepreneur. Darren has since fully embraced his indigenous heritage in an attempt to pass down to his children as least some of the knowledge and teachings that were almost lost to himself.